I'm Just Here To Cook…and Eat!

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Ice Cream Pie

Everyone is on a baking kick now. I guess what else is there to do on lockdown? So if anyone is looking for flour or cake mix but can’t find it, here’s a great alternative to a lockdown celebration. Ice cream pie!

Growing up, every once in awhile we’d be taken to Friendly’s Ice Cream parlor for dinner. Remember those? I always got the same ice cream for dessert. Vanilla ice cream, strawberry topping, no whip cream, chocolate sprinkles. Mmmmm. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before right? And that no bottled strawberry sauce matches the flavor. Well I’ve concocted my own over the years and today I made that into ice cream pie.

Bake a frozen, defrosted, pie crust at 350 for 15 minutes. Be sure to pierce is all over with a fork before baking so it doesn’t bubble up.

Take a small carton of vanilla ice cream out to begin to soften so it’s easier to work with while the pie crust cools. In a small sauce pan add some of the frozen strawberries with a little water and 1/2 tbsp sugar. Cook that down for about 5-8 minutes, smashing one or two of the strawberries. You want to make a little sauce. This will thicken slightly while it cools.

When the ice cream is soft enough to work with, flatten it into the pie crust with a spatula.

Add a bit of the strawberry sauce to the top, add some chocolate sprinkles, and cover with plastic wrap and add back to the freezer to firm. Place the rest of the strawberry sauce in the fridge to cool completely.

Once frozen again and you’re ready to celebrate, or just eat ice cream, slice out the pie and add some of the strawberry sauce to the top with more sprinkles. Enjoy, celebrate, and happy Saturday 🙂